Cosmetic Surgeons & Medical Aesthetics Specialists located in Alexandria, VA
The Icon™ Aesthetic System is the premier laser platform to treat a wide variety of skin complaints, from sun damage to wrinkle reduction to rosacea. At Heron Med Spa, cosmetic surgeon Roy Heron, MD, and his team are experts at using the system to resolve many common skin complaints. Send an email to moc.apsdemnoreh%40ofni or call our office in Alexandria, Virginia, to schedule a consultation to learn how laser treatments can revitalize your complexion.
What are aesthetic laser treatments?
At Heron Med Spa, the team uses the Icon Aesthetic System to stimulate natural healing. The system features one of the premier fractional lasers available today and offers a number of handpieces so it can successfully administer a variety of aesthetic treatments.
What conditions can aesthetic laser treatments address?
Dr. Heron and his team recommend laser treatment for a wide variety of common skin concerns, including:
● Wrinkles and fine lines.
● Unwanted hair.
● Mild acne scars.
● Angioma.
● Enlarged oil glands/pores.
● Age spots and sun damage.
● Spider veins and irregular pigmentation.
● Rosacea redness and enlarged blood vessels.
● Uneven skin tone and texture.
Talk to Dr. Heron about how laser treatments can help you get the smooth, radiant complexion you’ve always wanted. You can resolve your aesthetic issues and look more youthful with laser and intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments.
What is an IPL treatments?
Photo Facials / IPL (Intense Pulse Light therapy) reduces the appearance of rosacea, spider veins, sun damage, fine wrinkles and more.
The laser allows for customized, precise treatments and quick sessions and the technology provides a deeper penetration to address complex conditions.
Intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments are also possible with the Icon system. They use a wider spread of wavelengths of light pulses to address issues such as melasma, skin texture, and general skin appearance.
Dr. Heron and his team can recommend the right type of treatment for your skin’s needs.
How does laser treatment work to address scars?
Laser treatment for scars requires no incisions or blood loss. The light energy breaks down the irregular tissue and spurs healthy new tissue to regenerate at the site.
Skin color and texture is improves so they blend into the surrounding skin. IPLs requires no downtime.
What happens during laser treatments?
You may experience some minor discomfort during laser treatment, but it doesn’t last long. You may opt for a topical numbing cream to be applied prior to your session to help ease any sensation. The Icon system is safe for most skin types.
To learn how aesthetic laser treatments can help you achieve a smoother, clearer complexion, call Heron Med Spa.