Cosmetic Surgeons & Medical Aesthetics Specialists located in Alexandria, VA
Dieting and exercise don’t always help to tone up those trouble spots on your body. Smartlipo®, which is laser body sculpting, is a minimally invasive treatment that permanently destroys fat cells to give you the body you’ve always wanted. At Heron Med Spa in Alexandria, Virginia, Roy Heron, MD, and his team offer Smartlipo to qualified candidates. Call the office or book online to find out more.
What is Smartlipo?
Smartlipo is distinct from other laser body-sculpting procedures. It uses two wavelengths of energy to break down fat cells and tighten the skin simultaneously. This gives Dr. Heron more control over the fat-removal process and produces the most aesthetically pleasing results possible.
Who is a candidate for Smartlipo?
Smartlipo can help if you’ve got a little excess fat on your belly, buttocks, around your thighs, neck, or at the back of your upper arms. It can also help with fat deposits and loose skin under your chin and along your jaw and neckline. The laser treatment destroys the fat cells and tightens the skin, so you look younger and slimmer.
How does ThermiVa technology work to improve vaginal tissue?
Smartlipo addresses areas where diet and exercise fail. The benefits of Smartlipo are that it:
● Permanently destroys fat cells.
● Improves overall body shape.
● Is minimally invasive.
● Causes coagulation to tighten tissue.
● Increases collagen formation to induce skin tightening.
Smartlipo technology actually causes fat cells to burst, so they can’t swell up again or regenerate. The treatment has more than 10 years of research standing behind its effectiveness and safety. You need only one treatment and minimal downtime afterward.
What is Cellulaze®?
Cellulaze technology complements Smartlipo treatments to reduce the appearance of cellulite in treated areas. You experience a reduction in dimples and ripples with Cellulaze.
What is Smartlipo® Triplex®?
Smartlipo Triplex uses three wavelengths of energy to destroy fat cells so they can be removed easily through suction. It uses specialized technology that’s more precise, so it’s perfect for smaller and larger fat deposits, fibrous areas, and other areas that need a second liposuction procedure.
Dr. Heron can determine if your particular concerns benefit from this version of Smartlipo treatment.
What is recovery like following a Smartlipo procedure?
You may have some light swelling and bruising following Smartlipo treatments. Dr. Heron recommends a compression garment to support the treated area and help with healing. You’ll be back to most normal daily activities in a day or two after the procedure.
How does laser-assisted liposuction help with excessive sweating?
The laser-assisted technology of Smartlipo can deactivate and disrupt the sweat and odor producing glands in your armpits. This reduces excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) effectively and safely.
For more about how Smartlipo can help you precisely contour your body, call the office or book an appointment online.